Birthday Dance
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Gloria was gonna make Bede have some fun at her birthday party - whether he liked it or not.
Characters: Bede, Gloria
Ship: Bede/Gloria
General info: Written for the prompt Pokemon, any, dance at the threesentenceficathon event!
Wordcount: 100
Date: January 20th, 2025
Rating: General audiences
Warnings: None
It was a miracle that Bede had agreed to come to Gloria’s birthday party, both due to his stubbornness and due to how busy Opal had been keeping him. As she had expected, he was keeping up his usual frown even there - but that didn’t mean she wasn’t gonna try to make him have some fun whether he liked it or not.
When a new energetic song started on the party’s speakers, she pulled him along with her to the dance floor with a smirk - very pleased with the way he blushed as she held onto both of his hands.