Storebought, But Still With Love

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Sakuya wasn't sure what to do for Valentine's...

Characters: Tono Sakuya
Ship: Kazemachi Nagi/Tono Sakuya, Hatori Kanata/Tono Sakuya, Hanamiya Terui/Tono Sakuya, Tono Sakuya/Tsukiomi Shiki
General info: Written for the Drabblethon event over on the small_fandoms DW comm.
Wordcount: 100
Date: February 3rd, 2025

Rating: General audiences
Warnings: None

In previous years, Sakuya just let Valentine’s Day pass her by. It was hard to celebrate it when no one could even see her, after all. But this year, it was different.

However, she had been at a loss on what to do. She spent so long being indecisive that, in the end, store-bought chocolate was all she had time for.

She was very nervous as she handed them out to Nagi, Kanata, Shiki and Terui at the cherry blossom tree…

But she was met with all of their smiles in response, and compliments that made her whole face burn.