Beloved Wind

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Being stuck to the forest he was connected to could be a bit unpleasant at times.

Characters: Arima Ibushi, Kinugawa Atsushi
Ship: Arima Ibushi/Kinugawa Atsushi
General info: Pre-relationship, Fantasy AU, written for the 'Wind' prompt for the Quick Works Fest event on the boueibu_fanworks Dreamwidth comm!
Wordcount: 354
Date: February 23rd, 2025

Rating: General audiences
Warnings: None

Being stuck to the forest he was connected to could be a bit unpleasant at times.

Ibushi did love each and every being that lived there, from the bottom of his heart. He didn't completely hate his life there.

But it could sometimes be a bit lonely…

There weren't many humans or other sapient creatures who would come by or even stick around. Not many would be fortunate enough to run into him, and even fewer would stick around for him to consider them as having an actual relationship with him.

But even those whom he did eventually consider as friends would eventually leave. Most people would leave the forest and move on with their lives eventually, others befell the consequences of being mortal.

However, there was one person whom Ibushi didn't fear losing as much: The God of Wind, Atsushi.

They had met long ago enough that Ibushi didn't remember the details very well. But Atsushi had simply passed by his forest for a few days and the two ended up talking for a while. Eventually, Atsushi had passed by enough times for them to become friends. And then enough for Ibushi to consider him… As something even more special than a friend.

Ibushi appreciated Atsushi's dedication to passing by frequently, since he knew how lonely Ibushi could get. Every time he felt a strong wind blowing by him, he'd wonder if it was Atsushi coming by. And he would feel disappointed whenever it turned out to not be him.

But regardless of that disappointment, he had grown to appreciate the wind on its own as well. It was a pleasant reminder that, even when he was feeling lonely, he wouldn't be alone for too long.

He had never gotten the courage to tell Atsushi how he felt. The idea made him feel too guilty. A god connected to something as free as the wind shouldn't be bound to someone like him, who couldn't leave his own roots behind.

But he would always welcome Atsushi with open arms, even if he couldn't be honest about his feelings. Just spending time together was enough.