Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu Love fics
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This series is just genuinely super dear to me... I may not write for Love as much as I write about Happy Kiss, but that is more of a "I am usually inclined to the underdogs" thing haha.
EnKin fics (total: 3)
EnKin fics (total: 3)
There were days where Kinshiro just didn't wake up in a good mood. Fortunately, him and En usually knew how to work a way to cheer him up.
But also unfortunately, En knew where he was ticklish.
Characters: Kusatsu Kinshiro, Yufuin En
General Info: Established relationship, fluff, post-canon, written for the ficlet prompt "Anything but that!"
Wordcount: 629
Date: January 18th, 2021
Kinshiro did love En and liked living with him. However, he still had to deal with him sleeping a little too much on some days.
Characters: Kusatsu Kinshiro, Yufuin En
General Info: Established relationship, fluff, written for the ficlet prompt "Why are you giving me such a hard time about this?"
Wordcount: 545
Date: November 18th, 2020
Kinshiro has had a pretty busy and tiring week. And he doesn't know what to expect about going to En's house.
Characters: Kusatsu Kinshiro, Yufuin En
General Info: Pre-relationship, written for Week 3 of Boueitober 2020 (prompt: 'Winter')
Wordcount: 1.056
Date: October 18th, 2020
Yumoto & Kinshiro fics (total: 3)
Yumoto & Kinshiro fics (total: 3)
Kinshiro goes over to Kurotama in order to return Yumoto's bento box, and ends up being invited to join the brothers for dinner.
Characters: Kusatsu Kinshiro, Hakone Yumoto
General Info: Fluff, sequel to "I'll see you around."
Wordcount: 1.130
Date: August 27th, 2022
Kinshiro had started to get used to Yumoto's presence and had began to understand him better. However, Yumoto was still more gullible than he had expected.
Characters: Kusatsu Kinshiro, Hakone Yumoto
General Info: Written for the ficlet prompt "Of course you’d believe that…"
Wordcount: 935
Date: November 21st, 2020
Sometimes Kinshiro wondered what went on in Yumoto's head.
He certainly hadn't expected him to show up at the Student Council office with a lunchbox in his hands.
Characters: Kusatsu Kinshiro, Hakone Yumoto
General Info: N/A
Wordcount: 679
Date: August 16th, 2020
BeppuYumo fics (total: 2)
BeppuYumo fics (total: 2)
The twins wouldn't necessarily say they were starting to like Yumoto, but they couldn't say they truly hated him anymore...
Characters: Beppu Akihiko, Beppu Haruhiko, Hakone Yumoto
Ships: Beppu Akihiko/Hakone Yumoto, Beppu Haruhiko/Hakone Yumoto
General Info: Pre-relationship, written for the ficlet prompt "You’ve got something on your cheek."
Wordcount: 443
Date: November 7th, 2020
The Beppu twins didn't really like that they couldn't participate in the Halloween Party at the Kurotama Bath. But the two boxes they found in their dressing room were surely one way of cheering them up.
Characters: Beppu Akihiko, Beppu Haruhiko, Hakone Yumoto
Ships: Beppu Akihiko/Hakone Yumoto, Beppu Haruhiko/Hakone Yumoto
General Info: Pre-relationship, written for Week 1 of Boueitober 2020 (prompt: 'Candy')
Wordcount: 1.055
Date: October 1st, 2020
Gora x Chidori (Female OC) fics (total: 2)
Gora x Chidori (Female OC) fics (total: 2)
Gora tried to keep quiet. Even if it was just him and Chidori in the house, he couldn't help but feel self-conscious about moaning.
Characters: Hakone Gora, Morumoto Chidori
General Info: Established Relationship, written for the Day 14 prompt of Kinktober 2023: Orgasm Delay/Denial
Wordcount: 200
Date: September 26th, 2024
Chose Not To Warn (a.k.a. 'Read At Your Own Risk')
Gora has lost count of how many times he has come to the train station late at night.
Characters: Hakone Gora, Morumoto Chidori
General Info: Angst with a hopeful ending, vaguely inspired by Kenshi Yonezu/hachi's song 'Rinne'. This fic isn't necessarily "canon" to Chidori, it's more like an odd AU I made up for her when I was having a bad day.
Wordcount: 642
Date: December 20th, 2022
Chose Not To Warn (a.k.a. 'Read At Your Own Risk')
IbuAtsu fics (total: 2)
IbuAtsu fics (total: 2)
Being stuck to the forest he was connected to could be a bit unpleasant at times.
Characters: Arima Ibushi, Kinugawa Atsushi
General Info: Pre-relationship, Fantasy AU, written for the 'Wind' prompt for the Quick Works Fest event on the boueibu_fanworks Dreamwidth comm!
Wordcount: 354
Date: February 23rd, 2025
Ibushi makes a gift for Atsushi. But he is quite surprised at just how much Atsushi likes it.
Characters: Arima Ibushi, Kinugawa Atsushi
General Info: Pre-relationship, written for Boueibu Ship Week Day 2 (prompt: 'Gifts')
Wordcount: 804
Date: March 14th, 2022
Misc pairings (ships/duos that I've made only one fic for) (total: 6)
Misc pairings (ships/duos that I've made only one fic for) (total: 6)
Shortly after the New Years, the Defense Club members realize something seems to be bothering Yumoto...
Characters: Hakone Yumoto, generally some minor focus on the other members as well
Ship: Defense Club & Hakone Yumoto
General Info: Written for KoolKitty9 for fandomtrees 2024! Mid-canon during the New Years episode in season 2
Wordcount: 1.142
Date: January 10th, 2025
On a very cold day, Akihiko and Haruhiko warm up once they get back home, and reminisce about their feelings.
Characters: Beppu Akihiko, Beppu Haruhiko
Ship: Beppu Akihiko/Beppu Haruhiko
General Info: Fluff, written for Kukigoio for the 'Boueicember 2022 Secret Santa' gift exchange event
Wordcount: 555
Date: December 24th, 2022
Brother/Brother Twincest
A stray cat walks around Binan High in a search for food and attention.
Characters: Pretty much all of the main boys, original cat character
Ship: Beppu Haruhiko/Yufuin En, Beppu Akihiko/Zaou Ryuu, Hakone Yumoto/Naruko Io, Arima Ibushi/Rabuko (all treated as crackships)
General Info: POV First Person. Crackfic written simply because one night I thought "hmm boueibu needs more crackfics". This fic was 100% approved by my own cats (jk).
Wordcount: 2.066
Date: August 14th, 2022
Prince Kinshiro meets his future spouse, prince Yumoto, for the first time.
Characters: Hakone Yumoto, Kusatsu Kinshiro (Io and Ibushi also show up but aren't the main focus)
Ship: Hakone Yumoto/Kusatsu Kinshiro
General Info: Royalty AU, arranged marriages, written (late) for Day 5 of the Boueibu Ship Week (prompt: 'Meeting')
Wordcount: 1.134
Date: July 13th, 2022
It had been a while since Io and Ryuu had hung out after school, so Ryuu takes the first chance he can get.
Characters: Naruko Io, Zaou Ryuu
Ship: Naruko Io/Zaou Ryuu
General Info: Pre-relationship, written for the ficlet prompt "When you're happy, I'm happy."
Wordcount: 417
Date: November 12th, 2020