Chocolate And Coffee

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Ren couldn’t help but smile at the lovely chocolate smell coming from Haru’s kitchen.

Characters: Amamiya Ren, Okumura Haru
Ship: Amamiya Ren/Okumura Haru
General info: Established relationship, written for the 2nd day of the December Advent Calendar challenge at the fffc Dreamwidth comm. (Prompt: Hot Chocolate) Also for the 'chocolate' prompt from the 100 Ships Challenge.
Wordcount: 200
Date: December 3rd, 2024

Rating: General audiences
Warnings: None

Ren couldn’t help but smile at the lovely chocolate smell coming from Haru’s kitchen. Even without tasting it, he already wasn’t regretting listening to her request to let her make hot chocolate for the two of them alone.

In just a few minutes, Haru came back from the kitchen with a smile of her own, two mugs in her hands. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long.”

“Not at all.” He grabbed the mug that she handed to him.

After blowing some air onto it a few times, he took a small sip. It tasted lovely, but he could taste something slightly different in it. “Did you add something to it?”

“I added just a little bit of coffee to it.” Haru said. “Sojiro told me of a few kinds that could work really well with it, so I wanted to give it a try and surprise you!” She took a small sip from her own mug, then glanced back at Ren. “Did you like it?”

Ren chuckled. “It’s wonderful.” He took another sip.

Haru smiled from ear to ear at his response, and he couldn’t help but smirk at the way her cheeks turned slightly pink.