Persona 5 fics
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Even though I've mostly dropped Persona in the past year, it was still a major interest of mine for a good while. If you count both my vanilla and Royal playthroughs, I must have fully played Persona 5 at least 5 times, which is probably why it ended up being the one I have written the most fics for.
ShuAkeHaru fics (total: 7)
ShuAkeHaru fics (total: 7)
Haru didn't really want or need anything special for her birthday. But that wasn't gonna stop Ren and Goro from doing it anyway.
Characters: Akechi Goro, Amamiya Ren, Okumura Haru
General Info: established relationship, fluff, written for the dialogue prompt "We go on three..."
Wordcount: 656
Date: January 19th, 2021
Goro was a fallen angel. And he didn't expect the world he had been sent to as punishment to be any good. He didn't even believe he deserved good things, really.
However, a certain demon and a certain human were still determined to prove to him that he did deserve happiness.
Characters: Akechi Goro, Amamiya Ren, Okumura Haru
General Info: written for day 2 of Persona Rarepair Week (prompt: Angel/Demon AU)
Wordcount: 781
Date: November 25th, 2020
Goro was very inexperienced with showing affection, and he would sometimes feel guilty of not being able to properly reciprocate Ren and Haru's affection.
Characters: Akechi Goro, Amamiya Ren, Okumura Haru
General Info: fluff, established relationship, written for the dialogue prompt "This will only take a second..."
Wordcount: 857
Date: November 21st, 2025
Goro hated being alone like that. He couldn't sleep, no matter how much he tried.
Characters: Akechi Goro, Amamiya Ren, Okumura Haru
General Info: Hurt/comfort, hybrid au, written for day 6 of 'soft goro week 2020' (prompt: AUs), established relationship
Wordcount: 621
Date: July 17th, 2020
Goro didn't know why Haru would ask him to come over earlier than Ren. But her surprises and requests had never been bad for him.
Characters: Akechi Goro, Amamiya Ren, Okumura Haru
General Info: Established relationship, written for day 2 of soft Goro Week 2020 (prompt: coffee and sweets)
Wordcount: 999
Date: July 13th, 2020
Haru could tell that there was something odd about Ren. And she knew very well the reason for that: Goro Akechi.
Characters: Akechi Goro, Amamiya Ren, Okumura Haru
General Info: Established Ren/Haru, P5R spoilers
Wordcount: 3.170
Date: June 12th, 2020
It had been a while since Goro had any of those nightmares. But Ren and Haru were still there for him.
Characters: Akechi Goro, Amamiya Ren, Okumura Haru
General Info: Established ShuAkeHaru, Hurt/Comfort
Wordcount: 742
Date: November 27th, 2019
AkeHaru fics (total: 6)
AkeHaru fics (total: 6)
Haru has to decide on designs for new mascots for Big Bang Burger. Seeing that she is struggling a bit, Goro decides to help.
Characters: Akechi Goro, Okumura Haru
General Info: post-canon, established relationship, written for an ask game I did on Tumblr/Aethy (this one's ask being specifically 'Challenge. Akeharu đź‘˝')
Wordcount: 639
Date: April 5th, 2024
Haru hadn't expected Goro to have such a reaction to a horror movie. But she did find it quite amusing.
Characters: Akechi Goro, Okumura Haru
General Info: established relationship, hinted ShuAkeHaru, fluff, written for the dialogue prompt "Come on, it wasn’t that bad."
Wordcount: 514
Date: February 4th, 2021
The starry sky might be beautiful, but nothing would ever be quite as beautiful as Haru.
Characters: Akechi Goro, Okumura Haru
General Info: established relationship, fluff, written for the dialogue prompt "Isn't this a gorgeous view?"
Wordcount: 501
Date: January 10th, 2021
Haru had dealt with quite a frustrating day at work. However, she was never the type to actually talk about her feelings or show others that she was frustrated. And Goro was having none of it.
Characters: Akechi Goro, Okumura Haru
General Info: post-canon, established relationship, hurt/comfort, written for the free day of Persona Rarepair Week
Wordcount: 1.213
Date: November 30th, 2020
Haru couldn't bring herself to say she hated Goro. And she had to admit she maybe wasn't ready to see him leave them again.
Characters: Akechi Goro, Okumura Haru
General Info: pre-relationship, Persona 5 Royal spoilers, written for the dialogue prompt "I wish this moment could last forever..."
Wordcount: 462
Date: November 16th, 2020
Goro had noticed Haru was acting weird. Despite acting like she was fine, he could clearly tell she was in pain. And he couldn't just turn his back on her, despite not understanding why.
Characters: Akechi Goro, Okumura Haru
General Info: minor injuries, mid-canon, Persona 5 Royal spoilers, pre-relationship, written for the dialogue prompt "I think I twisted my ankle"
Wordcount: 963
Date: November 1st, 2020
Crossovers with other Persona games (total: 5)
Crossovers with other Persona games (total: 5)
Naoya didn't usually care all that much about grades. But it was still weird to see them dropping for his supposedly smart friends.
Fandoms: Persona 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Ships: General friendship among the protags
Characters: Toudou Naoya, Suou Tatsuya, Amano Maya, Yuki Makoto, Yuki Hamuko, Aigis, Narukami Yu, Amamiya Ren
General Info: "Protags/Wild Cards live in the same dorm" AU, written for the dialogue prompt "You can't do that!"
Wordcount: 991
Date: March 5th, 2021
Ren was still hurt by Goro's betrayal, but he couldn't just tell that to the other Phantom Thieves or the other persona users. However, Hamuko was very persistent.
Fandoms: Persona 3 & 5
Ships: Amamiya Ren & Yuki Hamuko
Characters: Amamiya Ren, Yuki Hamuko
General Info: Persona 5 spoilers, hurt/comfort, "Protags/Wild Cards live in the same dorm" AU, written for the dialogue prompt "Will you just tell me the truth?"
Wordcount: 832
Date: November 26th, 2020
Goro initially didn't have any intentions to be friends with anyone in the dorm. But after Hamuko had hit him right where it hurt, he decided to at least try breaking down his walls more.
Fandoms: Persona 3 & 5
Ships: Akechi Goro & Yuki Hamuko
Characters: Akechi Goro, Yuki Hamuko (plus others are mentioned)
General Info: cooking, mentions of bad parenting and parental death, "Protags/Wild Cards live in the same dorm" AU, written for the dialogue prompt "I didn't know you could do that."
Wordcount: 995
Date: November 18th, 2020
Hamuko always felt like Goro had been hiding something behind his fake smile. But, once he had actually come to their side, still so distant from everyone, she felt like she needed to actually talk to him.
Fandoms: Persona 3 & 5
Ships: Akechi Goro & Yuki Hamuko
Characters: Akechi Goro, Yuki Hamuko
General Info: "Protags/Wild Cards live in the same dorm" AU, written for the dialogue prompt "This isn't just about you..."
Wordcount: 799
Date: November 8th, 2020
Ren and Yu had always gotten along with Hamuko quite well. But Makoto didn't seem to like that.
Fandoms: Persona 3, 4 & 5
Ships: Yuki Makoto & Amamiya Ren & Narukami Yu, and a decent focus on Makoto & Hamuko even though Hamuko doesn't show up much
Characters: Yuki Makoto, Narukami Yu, Amamiya Ren
General Info: "Protags/Wild Cards live in the same dorm" AU, written for the dialogue prompt "I'm sorry I yelled at you..."
Wordcount: 999
Date: November 4th, 2020
ShuHaru fics (total: 2)
ShuHaru fics (total: 2)
Ren couldn’t help but smile at the lovely chocolate smell coming from Haru’s kitchen.
Characters: Amamiya Ren, Okumura Haru
General Info: Established relationship, written for the 2nd day of the December Advent Calendar challenge at the fffc Dreamwidth comm. (Prompt: Hot Chocolate) Also for the 'chocolate' prompt from the 100 Ships Challenge.
Wordcount: 200
Date: December 3rd, 2024
Ren knew his relationship with his parents wasn't the best, but it did sometimes get to him. Fortunately, Haru was always there for him when he needed.
Characters: Amamiya Ren, Okumura Haru
General Info: established relationship, written for day 4 of Persona Rarepair Week (prompt: hurt/comfort)
Wordcount: 720
Date: November 27th, 2020
Misc pairings (ships/duos that I've made only one fic for) (total: 2)
Misc pairings (ships/duos that I've made only one fic for) (total: 2)
Futaba knew Yusuke was very passionate about his art, but it was still a surprise to see him fall into a pond for it.
Characters: Kitagawa Yusuke/Sakura Futaba
Ship: Kitagawa Yusuke, Sakura Futaba
General Info: pre-relationship, written for the dialogue prompt "Why did you think that was a good idea?"
Wordcount: 766
Date: November 23rd, 2025
Ann was very inexperienced with dating, but she still wanted to be the one to pick the spot for her and Ryuji's first date.
Characters: Sakamoto Ryuji, Takamaki Ann
Ship: Sakamoto Ryuji/Takamaki Ann
General Info: written for the dialogue prompt "This tastes bitter..."
Wordcount: 741
Date: November 11th, 2020